I Want to Be My Parents When I Grow Up – No, This is Not a Joke

If you asked me 10 years ago when I was 17 if I wanted to be my parents, I would tell you hell no! Fast forward to today and that hard “no” turns into a hard “yes.”

I mean, come on, they are living the life right now. They have a social life that’s busier than mine. Not to mention they go on vacations (multiple) every year. Plus they have a marriage that is 38 years strong. Why wouldn’t I want all that?

This is why:

1. Pays to be practical.

Growing up I always had everything I needed, within reason of course. We went on family vacation every other year and I even got a new car when I was 16. Despite those notable luxuries, my mom always joked about how my Dad is so cheap. It becomes clearer the older I get that his practicality when it came to spending attributed to his financial security; Thus living the life now that he’s in his 60s. So yes, searching for the best deals and saving for the future sounds like some habits I must instill in my own life. (opts into 401K plan)


2. Family comes first.

I can’t remember a soccer game or dance recital that either one or both of my parents didn’t attend. Not to mention the prompt 6pm family dinner at home every single night until I went away to college. Sunday nights we even got fancy and went to the diner for dinner. When I say every Sunday, I mean every. single. Sunday. It might sound lame but it was something we looked forward to as a family. Especially as an adult, I can see how making sure to carve out that time every day to spend together was just so good for keeping a close bond between us all. All the time that my parents gave my sister and I is something that I’ll cherish forever and I hope to provide that same tender loving care to my children (oh boy, did I say children?) one day.


3. A solid marriage.


I legit think my parents are cool. Look at my Dad’s motorcycle chaps.

Recently my Dad told me that after 38 years of marriage, there’s still nobody else he would like to spend time with more than my Mom. So sweet right? That’s relationship goals right there. Sure they argue sometimes, mostly about the other’s driving skills, but at the end of the day they love each other and have been all in for better or for worse. Now that my sister and I are grown up they are living the life, as I said before. They do so much stuff together; dinners and drinks out with friends (or just the two of them), weekend getaways or day trips to something like a classic car show, and a simple thing like morning walks with the dog. Basically they enjoy their time together, still, all these years later and I admire their rock solid bond. Hopefully one day my boyfriend and I will reach that status; until then I’ll keep dreaming of my parents’ awesome lives. (Doodles in notebook)



38 years ago

Okay, so I’m technically grown up already, BUT there is still much molding to be done to make myself into an even more adult-like adult. My parents are the mold that I wish to, maybe not fit exactly into (after all I’m my own person), but that which I hope to come close to being. Hey Mom, how am I doing so far?